Explore Colorful #FossibotCaptures
Life is full of unbelievable, memorable or even crazy things, like your baby's first step or supernatural wonders. In #FossibotCaptures, see what you've never seen and discover a more colorful life.
Top #FossibotCaptures Awards Contest is on. We love to see your stories. Share now to win the prize!
How #FossibotCaptures works?
#FossibotCaptures consists of various thematic video contests. All you need to do is:
1. Choose the contest that you want to participate in;
2. Submit your video that is eligible for the contest;
3. Win big prizes if you're selected. (Please see detailed page of each contest for rules and prizes.)
Who can participate in these contests?
Participation is open to everyone who likes sharing stories with us!
What are the requirements of my submitted video?
Your video must be your original creation and be 100% owned by you. Please do not edit the video and keep the content intact. Before submitting your video, make sure you’ve read and agreed to the Video Submission Terms.
Plwast note: All submitted videos will be reviewed by Fossibot; Your videos will be considered as valid entries and shown as "Featured Videos" after they have passed the review. Then you will be eligible to win final prizes.
Selection Criteria of Winners
1). Entertainment and aesthetic value of the entry, including image quality, framing, lighting, and pacing; and/or
2). exemplary product demonstration of Fossibot products (i.e., showcasing the Fossibot Product in a unique, creative, or interesting manner); and/or
3). the number of votes your entry gains; and/or
4). the number of entries you've submitted.
For more information, please see the detailed page of each contest.
Can I participate in several contests at the same time?
Yes, you can. Please note if you submit the same video in several contests, it will only be selected in one contest. If you submit different videos in these contests, you are free to win prizes.
How can I know if I win a prize?
We'll announce the winners on detailed page of the contest. Besides, we’ll contact you via email if you win a prize.
Other Rules
• Fossibot reserves the right to use, edit, and repost the content you shared.